"Several officials and players told your correspondent that the Roma
footballers are no more violent than their non-Roma counterparts. What
the boycotters really mind, they said, are the subsidies. Eager to steer
Roma youth away from the streets and illicit drugs, the town of
Děčín gave the new club 10,000 Czech crowns so it could enter the
league. The town also let the team play on its artificial pitch for
free. “It costs me money to be able to kick the ball,” said Milan Grund,
a 46-year-old player for TJ Valkerice, the latest team to forfeit a
match. “We have to pay for everything ourselves. Not them. Everything is
handed to them on a silver platter.”
O Público faz um resumo-plágio descarado ( só cita o The Econmist a propósito de uma entrevista) , mas aqui têm o total.
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