domingo, 9 de março de 2014

A "extrema-direita" contra os ciganos

Óptimos a esconder, com a cumplicidade habitual  dos media, que a perseguição aos ciganos esteve sempre  longe de ser um assunto dos "neonazis". A política checa de esterilização foi particularmente bem sucedida.

zechoslovakia enforced the most drastic measures to stem Rom population growth by lowering the birth rate. Beginning in the early 1970s, government social workers encouraged Rom women to have government-paid sterilization by offering them monetary bonuses during economic crises. In addition, some women were sterilized without their consent after undergoing cesarean sections or abortions; there are cases of women in their twenties with one child who have undergone sterilizations without their consent. A - See more at:
Czechoslovakia enforced the most drastic measures to stem Rom population growth by lowering the birth rate. Beginning in the early 1970s, government social workers encouraged Rom women to have government-paid sterilization by offering them monetary bonuses during economic crises. In addition, some women were sterilized without their consent after undergoing cesarean sections or abortions; there are cases of women in their twenties with one child who have undergone sterilizations without their consent. - See more at:
Czechoslovakia enforced the most drastic measures to stem Rom population growth by lowering the birth rate. Beginning in the early 1970s, government social workers encouraged Rom women to have government-paid sterilization by offering them monetary bonuses during economic crises. In addition, some women were sterilized without their consent after undergoing cesarean sections or abortions; there are cases of women in their twenties with one child who have undergone sterilizations without their consent. - See more at:

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